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JSON Modifier

Build Status

Transform any JSON easily, provide a schema with new keys and type format to output a new format object


npm install json-modifier


const JsonModifier = require('json-modifier');

const exampleObject = {
  "Name": "Filipe M. Silva",
  "Age": "28",
  "Address": {
    "house-Number": "52",
    "Street": "Lemon",
    "State": "SP"

const addressSchema = {
  "house-Number": "houseNumber:number",
  "Street": "street:string",
  "State": "state:string"

const schema = {
  "Name": "name:string",
  "Age": "omit",
  "Residencial-Address": "omit",
  "Address": addressSchema

const translatedObject = JsonModifier(schema, exampleObject);
  "name": "Filipe M. Silva",
  "Address": {
    "houseNumber": 52,
    "street": "Lemon",
    "state": "SP"

Schema instructions

Schema are a json which are formated by key/rule some examples: key: newKey:type

key: Original key for modification;

newKey: new key after modification;

type: data type supported are string, number and boolean;

Attentions points for type modification

string: null and undefined values are modified to empty strings

number: undefined and non-numeric values will be transformed in NaN, and null values will be convert to 0

boolean: same behavior as transform any data in javascript